Sunday, December 18, 2011

Austin Rock Gym

The team recently visited the Austin Rock Gym as a part of their second meeting of December. The boys decided that they would like to do a fun activity to end the year instead of a normal meeting, and many of us wanted to try rock-climbing. There were several traditional climbing
walls, as well as many more bouldering walls.

The walls ranged in difficulty, from V-0 to V-9, which doesn’t seem like much when the scale goes up to V-23. Many of the boys were eager to show off their strength by climbing to the
top of most of the walls, or by doing cool tricks like hanging by one hand. Although the Rock Gym isn’t a very large place, there were plenty of areas for us to climb, and we had about five
people on the walls at any given time. Some of us even worked in some merit badge requirements! Afterwards, many of us met at Craigo’s for dinner after a fun but tiring day.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sea Base 2012

Team 448 is going to Sea Base Florida in 2012!!
We will be participating in the EcoAdventure. This is Sea Base's newest adventure.

We are all excited about this adventure.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Philmont Day 3

We got off to an early start today. We woke up at 5:30 AM and began our hike to Deer Lake Mesa. The hike was a little over five miles, uphill. We ate breakfast on the trail at Vista Grande camp. We made it to Deer Lake Mesa in time to eat lunch and dinner there.

Our activity today was a side hike to Harlan Camp for shotgun shooting. Only half of the crew
decided to go on this hike. John Michael, Brian, Grayson and Matthew V., along with Mr. Reyes and Mr. McDonald had a great hike to Harlan camp. This “side hike” was actually 4.5 miles, each way, with the return trip to Deer Lake Mesa being the toughest.

At Harlan Camp, we learned how to reload shotgun shells, participated in a safety briefing, and shot sporting clays.

Although the hike to Harlan was long, everyone thought that the shotgun shooting was well worth the effort. We made it back to Deer Lake Mesa by 6:45 PM and had a great spaghetti and meat sauce dinner. By 9:45 PM, we were all in our tents for some well needed rest.
Photos from Day 3 are here.

Mileage Count:

Cimarron River Camp to Deer Lake Mesa Camp – 5.81 miles
Side Hike to Harlan and return – 9.01 miles
Total Miles to Date: 15.72

Monday, June 27, 2011

Philmont Day 2

(June 27, 2011) 

This is it!  Ready or not, we hit the trail today.  We took a bus ride to the Cimmaron River turnaround, where we were dumped at the trailhead.  After the bus left, Ranger Joe immediately began "training" us in the backcountry ways. 

The hike to our campground was short, only .9 miles.  We camped at the Cimarron River trail camp.  Upon arrival at the camp, we learned how to hang bear bags and set up our dining fly.  This is something that we would do at every campsite for the rest of the time at Philmont.

After getting the camp setup, it was time for "fresh" water.  By fresh, I mean out of the Cimarron River.  After filling our water bottles, we had to treat the water with micro-pure tablets and wait for 30 minutes. 

We sat around the campsite and got to know our ranger better.  He then cooked dinner for us.

Overall, a great day in camp.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Philmont Day 1

June 26, 2011

This is our first "official" day at Philmont.  We woke up to a day with strong winds.  Since we got to bed late, we were all a bit tired.  After breakfast, we met our Philmont Ranger.  Joe Failla is a Louisiana native who attended college at Texas A&M.  He worked us through the registration process.

After getting completely registered, we decided to visit the Tooth of Time Trading Company.  Everyone decided to play it safe by getting souvenirs early just in case we are delayed on the last day of our Trek.

We also moved into the wall tents, which meant taking down our trail tents in the high wind.  We had sand everywhere in our gear.

We were given a departure time for the trail at 1:00 PM on Day 2.  Ranger Joe decided to do the gear shakedown on the morning of day 2.

Day 1 also saw us get our initial food allotment.  We got food for three days.  We could not wait to start eating dehydrated dinners.

At the end of the day, the crew headed off for chapel service.  The group attended the protestant and catholic services.  After services, we attending the opening camp fire program.

Our nerves were high as we closed the day in anticipation of hitting the trail.

Day 1 Photos are Here.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Philmont Day 0

June 25, 2011

We left for Philmont a little past 6:00 AM.  The mood was high and everyone was excited. 

We call today "Day 0" because it is not part of the 12 days of Philmont.

After leaving Austin, we experienced bus problems. There were four buses in the convoy, and bus one could not move faster than 45 miles per hour.  We finally made it to Abilene, Texas and ditched bus one.  The other three buses continued on to Texas Tech for lunch.

Our trip continued to Las Vegas, New Mexico for dinner.  For dinner, we ate at Highlands University.  By the time we arrived there, bus number one had caught back up to us.

After dinner, we hit the road again and arrived at Philmont at 12:00 midnight.  There were no wall tents available, so we had to set up our backpacking tents for a few hours of sleep.

Day 0 Photos are Here

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Varsity Team 448: San Marcos River Kayaking Trip

May 22, 2011

This was a busy weekend for our troop with several different activities going on. For Varsity Team 448 we went on a kayaking trip down the San Marcos River between Fentress and Luling--a distance of about 20 miles.
We started our trip at the Fentress Bridge and went downstream for one hour arriving at the Leisure Resort Campground where we spent the night.
This was another trip to practice our kayaking skills in preparation for our trip to Northern Tier this summer.
A scout named Travis from Luling that is also going with us to Northern Tier came along and his parents had hamburgers and hotdogs waiting for us when we arrived---and we enjoyed our visit with them. Two weeks earlier they gave us a tour of Luling and the Zedler Mill and also treated all of our team members to a delicious BBQ lunch after that day's trip.
On Friday evening a big thunderstorm arrived with rain after we had gone to bed---but we were happy to finally have some rain to help with the area's drought conditions.
On Saturday, Mr. Wilder cooked eggs and pork chops for breakfast---and then we set-off down the river for our eight hour trip.
The first few hours were pleasant---although the kayaks bottomed out in some locations where the water was low.

The wildlife was beautiful including the turtles and fish, and the entire way down we seemed to be following a blue heron as it fished for its food.

Later-on there were more obstacles and debris in the river with many fallen trees in the way. Each kayak wiped out (tipped over) about three times, but the water felt good, and added to the fun. On one of the rapids I was coming around a corner, and didn't see a tree until it was too late. My kayak went into the tree sideways tipping me over---and I lost my glasses. Then my paddle started floating down the river. Fortunately some guys training for the Texas Water Safari retrieved the paddle for me---and I was back in business.

When we got to our stopping place for lunch our sandwiches were wet from the kayak tipping over but still tasted great since we were starving.
Finally around 4:30 PM we reached Luling, near the dam---and we were totally exhausted. It was a great day, the river was pristine and beautiful and we were very impressed with how well the river is being taken care of.

So we're looking forward to our next kayak adventure and also to our Northern Tier trip coming up later in the summer!
(written by Mr. Read, Varsity Team Coach)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Griffith League II

This past weekend, both of Troop 448's Philmont contingents participated in a joint preparation event at Griffith League Scout Ranch. We had a great hike of 9.37 miles (according to JMR's GPS). Most of the scouts camped out overnight and had great weather.  The highlight of this event was eating the food ordered from Philmont.  Everyone got a taste of the food and the reviews were high.  Let's see how they like the food after 10 days on the trail.  The Philmont will be heading out in a few montths and are working well together.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Philmont Packing List

Here is a packing list for Philmont provided by Mr .Covington.  Take a look at the items and recommendatins by Mr. Covington.


Personal Equipment

This list of personal equipment is very carefully developed.  While at Camping HQ before leaving on your trek, your crew's Philmont Ranger will lead the crew in an equipment "shakedown."  In this shakedown, the Ranger will not permit you to take things that are not on this list.  The reality is that you really don't even need all of this!  Remember that you will be carrying this for 12 days -- watch those ounces.
The lists below are from the 2006 Philmont Guidebook to AdventureComments in blue are those of the Contingent Advisor.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Top 10 Rules for Philmont

These "Top Ten" rules for Philmont were provided by the Council to the Council Treks.  They are listed here for your reading pleasure!

Expedition Behavior - The Finer Points
By Howard Tombs
A good expedition team is like a powerful, well-oiled, finely-tuned marriage.  Members cook meals together, face challenges together, and finally go to bed together.  A bad expedition, on the other hand, is an awkward ugly, embarrassing thing characterized by bickering, filth, frustration, and crispy macaroni.
Nearly all bad expeditions have one thing in common:  poor expedition behavior (EB).  This is true even if team members follow the stated rules, such as Don't Step on the Rope, Separate Kerosene and Food, No Soap in the River, No Raccoons in the Tent, Keep your Ice Axe Out of My Eye, etc.
Unfortunately, too many rules of expedition behavior remain unspoken.  Some leaders seem to assume that their team members already have strong and generous characters like their own.  But judging from a few of the campers we've encountered, more rules ought to be spelled out.  Here are ten of them.
RULE #1  Get out of bed.  Suppose your tentmates get up early to fetch water and fire up the stove while you lie comatose in your sleeping bag.  As they run an extensive equipment check, coil ropes and fix your breakfast, they hear you start to snore.  Last night you were their buddy; now they're drawing up lists of things about you that make them want to spit.  They will devise cruel punishments for you.  You have earned them.  The team concept is now defunct.  Had you gotten out of bed, nobody would have had to suffer.
RULE #2  Do not be cheerful before breakfast.  Some people wake up perky and happy as fluffy bunny rabbits.  They put stress on those who wake up mean as rabid wolverines.  Exhortations such as "Rise and shine, sugar!" and "Greet the dawn, pumpkin!" have been known to provoke pungent expletives from wolverine types.  These curses, in turn, may offend fluffy bunny types.  Indeed, they are issued with the sincere intent to offend.  Thus, the day begins with flying fur and hurt feelings.  The best early-morning EB is simple:  Be quiet.
RULE #3  Do not complain.  About anything.  Ever.  It's ten below zero, visibility is four inches and wind driven hailstones are embedding themselves in your face like shotgun pellets.  Must you mention it?  Do you think your friends haven't noticed the weather?  Make a suggestion.  Tell a joke.  Lead a prayer.  Do not lodge a complaint.  Your pack weighs 87 pounds and your cheap backpack straps are actually cutting into your flesh.  Were you promised a personal sherpa?  Did somebody cheat you out of a mule team?  If you can't carry your weight, get a motorhome.
RULE #4  Learn to cook at least one thing right.  One expedition trick is so old that it is no longer amusing:  on the first cooking assignment, the clever cook prepares a dish that resembles, say, Burnt Sock In Toxic Waste Sauce.  The cook hopes to be relieved permanently from cooking duties.  This is the childish approach to a problem that's been with us since people first started throwing lizards on the fire.  Tricks are not a part of a team spirit.  If you don't like to cook, say so.  Offer to wash dishes and to prepare the one thing you do know how to cook.  Even if it's only tea.  Remember that talented camp cooks sometimes get invited to join major expeditions in Nepal, all expenses paid.
RULE #5  Either A) Shampoo, or B) Do not remove your hat for any reason.  After a week or so on the trail, without shampooing, hair forms angry little clumps and wads.  These leave the person beneath looking like an escapee from a mental ward.  Such an appearance could shake a team's confidence in your judgment.  If you can't shampoo, pull a wool hat down over your ears and leave it there, night and day, for the entire expedition. 
RULE #6  Do not ask if anybody's seen your stuff.  Experienced adventures have systems for organizing their gear.  They very rarely leave it strewn around camp or lying back on the trail.  One of the most damning things you can do is ask your teammate if they've seen the tent poles you thought you packed 20 miles ago.  Even in the unlikely event you get home alive, you will not be invited on the next trip.  Should you ever leave the tent poles 20 miles away, do not ask if anybody's seen them.  Simply announce, with a good-natured chuckle, that you are about to set off in the dark on a 40-mile hike to retrieve them, and that you are sorry.  It's unprofessional to lose your spoon or your toothbrush.  If something like that happens, don't mention it to anyone.
RULE #7  Never ask where you are.  If you want to know where you are look at the map.  Try to figure it out yourself.  If you're still confused, feel free to discuss the identity of landmarks around you and how they correspond to the cartography.  If you A) suspect that a mistake has been made; and B) have experience in interpreting topographical maps, and C) are certain that your group leader is a novice or on drugs, speak up.  Otherwise, follow the group like sheep.
RULE #8  Always carry more than your fair share.  When the trip is over, would you rather be remembered as a rock or a sissy?  Keep in mind that a pound or two of extra weight in your pack won't make your back hurt any more than it already does.  In any given group of flatlanders, somebody is bound to bicker about weight.  When an argument begins, take the extra weight yourself.  Then shake your head and gaze with pity upon the slothful one.  This is the mature response to childish behavior.  On the trail that day, during a break, load the tenderfoot's pack with 20 pounds of gravel.
RULE #9  Do not get sunburned.  Sunburn is not only painful and unattractive.  It's also and obvious sign of inexperience.  Most green horns wait too long before applying sunscreen.  Once you've burned on an expedition, you may not have a chance to get out of the sun.  Then the burn gets burned, skin peels away, blisters sprout on the already swollen lips.  Anyway, you get the idea.  Wear zinc oxide.  You can see exactly where and how thickly it's applied and it gives you just about 100% protection.  It does get on your sunglasses, all over your clothes and in your mouth.  But that's OK.  Unlike sunshine, zinc oxide is non-toxic.
RULE #10  Do not get killed.  Suppose you make the summit of K2 solo, chain-smoking Gilanes and carrying the complete works of Hemingway in hardcover.  Pretty macho, huh?  Suppose now that you take a vertical detour down a crevasse and never make it back to camp.  Would you still qualify as a hero?  And would it matter?  Nobody's going to run any fingers through your new chest hair.  The worst thing to have on your outdoor resume is a list of the possible locations of your body.  Besides, your demise might distract your team members from enjoying what's left of their vacations.

All expedition behavior really flows from this one principle:  Think of your team, the beautiful machine, first.  You are merely a cog in that machine.  If you have something to prove, forget about joining an expedition.  Your team will never have more than one member.