The team recently visited the Austin Rock Gym as a part of their second meeting of December. The boys decided that they would like to do a fun activity to end the year instead of a normal meeting, and many of us wanted to try rock-climbing. There were several traditional climbing
walls, as well as many more bouldering walls.
The walls ranged in difficulty, from V-0 to V-9, which doesn’t seem like much when the scale goes up to V-23. Many of the boys were eager to show off their strength by climbing to the
top of most of the walls, or by doing cool tricks like hanging by one hand. Although the Rock Gym isn’t a very large place, there were plenty of areas for us to climb, and we had about five
people on the walls at any given time. Some of us even worked in some merit badge requirements! Afterwards, many of us met at Craigo’s for dinner after a fun but tiring day.